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Birding every day ( mini groups) $50 (2 People), price per Person. $40 (3People); 35 ( 4 People)

Foto del escritor: Luis Gomez G. #GuiaBiologoLuis Gomez G. #GuiaBiologo

Actualizado: 24 jul 2023

We star early in the morning (06h00-11h00) then by car to San Lorenzo ridge, birding the upper area of Mindo Valley, then birdbreakfast at Las Mointañas reserve, we visit it, hiking to the river. chance for sunbitter or torrent duck. or water birds like Torrent Tyrannulet, White capped Dipper etc.

aprox. 40-50 birdspecies. back to the san lorenzo rout and return to Mindo by car or staying in the area to continue for your self.. visiting the Cloud Forest.

Vogelbeobachten jeden Tag, $50 pro person: Fruehstueck, Guide, Transfer, Binoculars dabei. 06h00-11h00, mit bisichtigung eine reserve unterwegs.

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