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MINDO BIRDWATCHING (shared- BirdBreakfast)
USD $ 35 per Person.
EVERY DAY min 2 paxs max 4 pAXS.
+ Breakfast or Snack
- Assistence from Biohostal
- Transportation in Mindo
- Birding morning 06h00-10h00
- with a specialist BirdGuide
Guest Free
todas las especies se ven en Biohostal Terraza.. más o menos en 3 o 4 días. All species are summary of 3 or 4 days at Biohostal Terrace Allen Vögel sind on 3 oder 4 tage beobachten.. direckt aus der Terraze Biohostal.
1 Squirrel Cuckoo
1 Common Potoo (escuchado)
X White-necked Jacobin
2 White-whiskered Hermit
1 Brown Violetear
6 Green Thorntail
2 Buff-tailed Coronet
2 Green-crowned Brilliant
10 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
15 Andean Emerald
2 Southern Lapwing (en vuelo)
3 Snowy Egret (en vuelo)
10 Black Vulture (en vuelo)
2 Hook-billed Kite
5 Rufous Motmot
2 Collared Aracari
3 Choco Toucan
1 Lineated Woodpecker
5 Golden-olive Woodpecker
10 Bronze-winged Parrot
2 Plain-brown Woodcreeper
2 Streak-headed Woodcreeper
2 Pale-legged Hornero
2 Red-faced Spinetail
1 Masked Water-Tyrant
10 Rusty Margineted Flycatcher
1 Tropical Kingbird
2 Blue-and-white Swallow
2 House Wren
6 Ecuadorian Thrush
2 Thick-billed Euphonia
4 Orange-bellied Euphonia
2 Scrub Blackbird
2 Blackburnian Warbler
1 Summer Tanager
5 White-shouldered Tanager
10 White-lined Tanager
20 Flame-rumped Tanager
2 Fawn-breasted Tanager
15 Blue-gray Tanager
8 Palm Tanager
5 Blue-necked Tanager
1 Bay-headed Tanager
6 Golden Tanager
2 Swallow Tanager
4 Guira Tanager
4 Variable Seedeater
9 Bananaquit
5 Buff-throated Saltator
2 Tropicla Gnatcatcher
2 Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet
1 lesser Elaenia
Número de taxas: 52 especies
05h40 meeting at Biohostal to drink a coffee or tea, 06h00 drive by car to the San Lorenzo rout for Birding (2-4km) to spend in the area and walking around, Breakfast at the BioZone (BirdBreakfast) until 10h00,, that you will be free to continue to visit Cable car o waterfalls or Rio Bravo Cloud forest reserve, we will be happy to advisor diferentes posibilities tha Mindo offer in the Cloud Forest.
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