Bio & Guides Group
Ecuador & Galapagos
Luis Gomez Turismo
Ecuador the country of the megabiodiversity, we are in South America, right on the Equator linie, that gives the name to my country. It also crossed the Andes from north to south and influenced the climate the cold Humboldt and warm Panama Ocean courrents, in addition to the amazon basin. Adds to the continental land, the islands Galàpagos with its spectacular flora and fauna. then the indigenous people and nationalities with etnobotanical ancestral knownledge in the country. It makes this small Ecuador a country diverse in flora and fauna and multiethnic. One of the most megadiverse in the World.
The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean 972 km off the coast of Ecuador . It is composed of 13 large islands with an area of 10 km ² , 6 medium islands with an area of 1 km ² to 10 km ² and other 215 islands small size plus rocky outcrops of a few square meters distributed around the line of Ecuador land . the islands were declared a World Heritage Site in 1978 and in 2001 was declared by UNESCO World Heritage Site, the archipelago has the largest tributary of tourism revenue , receives 200,000 tourists annually , 1 has also been developed tourism ecological order to preserve the species, is the habitat of 10 species of giant tortoises, before 11, but Lonesome George , the last specimen of the Pinta giant tortoise race , extinct on 24 June 2012.2 the islands are also home to species such as sea turtles, iguanas , cormorants , albatrosses , sea lions and like the mass pingüinos.Al continental Ecuador , the archipelago is also crossed by the equator , mostly by northern Isabela Island , Galapagos is the archipelago second most active volcanic activity on the planet overtaken by Hawaii, falling into the category of hot spots , the most active volcanoes are Cerro Azul , Sierra Negra and La Cumbre volcano Marchena on Fernandina Island , which is the most active of the archipelago and one of the busiest in the mundo.Galápagos is known for its numerous endemic species and the studies by Charles Darwin that led him to establish his theory of evolution by natural selection. They are called by tourists , The Enchanted Isles , who earned the name archipelago in the sixteenth century by the great biodiversity of flora and fauna inheriting the name generaciones.Se estimated that the formation of the first island took place more than 5 million years , 8 as a result of tectonic activity . The most recent islands , called Isabela and Fernandina , are still being formed , having recorded the most recent volcanic eruption in 2009.Administrativamente , Galapagos is a province of Ecuador , made up of three cantons , which in turn are islands, which Sonsan Cristobal, Santa Cruz and Isabela. The February 12, 1832 , under the presidency of Juan José Flores, the Galapagos Islands were annexed to Ecuador . From the February 18, 1973 a province of this country.
Inter Andean Region of Ecuador is one of the four natural regions. Commonly known as Sierra . It has its origins in the Pre -Inca cultures and Inca that were faced in his time with the Spanish conquest . The same people who founded the cities of Quito and Cuenca rich in its colonial and religious art. The Ecuadorian highlands spans crossing the Andes from north to south to Ecuador .This region is characterized by the Andes , and Pnamericana , better known suchas Avenue of the Volcanoes . Among the most important are the Cotopaxi and Chimborazo. Its 10 provinces have historically significant cities like Quito and Cuenca , and craft centers as Otavalo , Cuenca , Guamote . Similarly , there are several national parks flora and fauna rich and varied .In this region exist hot spots , warm and cold . Its valleys Andean region presents different altitudes and climates. In Quito , capital of Ecuador , ( 45km ) works Mariscal Sucre International Airport , the main gateway to the country.
Its seven provinces have very attractive beaches and resorts for tourists. It highlights Esmeraldas , Manabi and Guayas. In this area is the longest river system in the country. This is the Guayas River Basin , which has about twelve tributaries with populations Duale, Babahoyo , Macul , Puca , Paján and Colimes .Ecuador has 640 kilometers of coastline.This is one of the three natural regions in which divides the continental Ecuador , lying between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean . With little difference in altitude , the coastal region is endowed with uniformity of climates and landscapes , however , are variations from the tropical forest in the north to the desert plains in the South.The Ecuadorian coastal territory consists of fertile plains , hills, sedimentary basins and low-lying elevations .Ecuador spas offer all the comforts of home and tourism. Salinas , Ayangue , Puerto Lopez, Shua Blanket Bay Caráquez , Esmeraldas , General Villamil Playas , and the popular beach of Montanita. Several National Parks as Machalilla and La Plata Island and Mangroves - Churute Puna Island , Isla Santay offer the possibility of ecotourism . Do not forget to Whale Watching in June- July-August and September.
The relief of the Amazon is made up a series of hills that rise as in the eastern Andes mountains and descend to the plains of the Amazon. There are two geographic regions: the Upper Amazon and the Amazon Plain . In the first region can be found Napo Galeras mountain ranges , Cutucú and Condor. The most important reliefs Amazon are in the northern part of the region , near the volcano Sumaco , The rivers are characterized by abundant and navigable most of its course , the most important : Río Napo , Pastaza River , Rio Santiago , Rio Zamora.La average annual temperature ranges between 15 C and 40 C. The third ridge , in this region , is located to the east and parallel to the Cordillera Real, with spacing of about 40 km. The Amazon ecosystem , particularly its tropical rainforest habitat contains vegetables. and richer and more complex animals in the world. indigenous communities of the Shuar , The Quichua , Secoya , Huaorani , Cofan . There are eight thousand species of medicinal plants, 85 species of fish, 47 amphibians and reptiles , 95 birds and 80 species of endangered mammals , where 70 percent of the 25,000 species of vascular plants on the planet . Amazon responsibilities such wealth should be maintained. The Yasuní ParquesNacionales with an area of 9820 km cuadradosaqui ITT initiative was formulated in 2007 and ending in September 2013 , the ides demantener underground crude applying an international economic compensation , which has not been accomplished . Wildlife Yasuni and Production Reserve in the Cuyabeno Cuyabeno Laguna are among the most important areas , however there are various organized sites for tourism, and even areas for tourism with community.
Luis Gómez Turismo #GuiaBiologo